January 30, 2023, Updated February 4, 2023
List the method of cookery and dishes to be covered in class
During the fourth week of my HOSP 2350 course, we will be continuing our study of stocks and soups. This week, we will be learning about clear soups. Additionally, we will be learning to make beef consommé and risotto.
List your learning objectives for the class
This week, I am eager to learn how to make a risotto properly. I have never made one before but I have heard good things about them. I am eager to improve my knife skills as well.
Discuss your prior knowledge of the content
I have not heard much about consommés or risottos. Usually when I see risotto on the menu, I get nervous about ordering the item, even if I have not really tried it.
Background Information
Research and Discussion of method of cooking:
When it comes to clear soups, such as consommé, they are started as a stock or broth. For consommés, the stock or broth has to be clarified in order to remove impurities. Consommés should be rich in flavor of the main ingredient. Consommés require skill and the specific utilization of techniques. They are basically a stock that has been enhanced and clarified. Usually, the clarification process for consommés includes adding a clearmeat (typically a mixture of egg whites, meat, mirepoix, herbs, and spices) to a cold stock. This mixture is slowly heated and brought to a slow simmer
The clarification process involves adding a clearmeat (usually a mixture of egg whites, meat, mirepoix, herbs, and spices) to a cold stock. The mixture is slowly heated up to a slow simmer. When the mixture has been simmering for some time, a raft will begin to form. This raft captures any impurities and thereby clarifies the soup while also releasing flavor to enhance the soup.
In terms of making a risotto, it requires a lot of patience. Risotto is made using a short grain rice such as Arborio. A liquid such as stock is slowly added to the risotto during the cooking to release the starch and create a creamy texture.
Scientific principles behind the method of cooking (for example, steaming, roasting, broiling)
Research and Discussion of Dishes
For historical dishes
Beef Consommé
According to New York Times, Louis XIV of France is credited with inventing consommés. As the story goes, he ordered his chef to create a soup that was so clear he would be able to see his "kingly" reflection in the soup. True to the story, consommés are broths/stocks that have been clarified so they are crystal clear. Beef consommé in particular, has been crowned the Queen of All Soups, per Chew the World.
Traditionally, risottos are a classic northern Italian rice dish. The grains are to remain firm but should also merge with whatever cooking liquid that is used. The mixture should form a creamy, pudding-like result. The textbook claims that a true risotto is made with a short-grain starchy rice. The most common grain used is Arborio but you could us other grains such as oats or barley.
For cooking methods
Preparing consommés includes using a process known as double consommé. All consommés should have a considerable body due to the high gelatin content. They should also have no trace of fat. Always use the highest quality of stock or broth to create the perfect consommé. To begin, you must clarify the stock or broth by chilling the broth and remove all the grease. Later, the stock or broth will be combined with clearmeat and then it will all be brought to a simmer. Finally, the mixture will be strained through several layers of dampened cheesecloth to remove any remaining traces of impurities.
On the other hand, cooking risotto is fairly complex but not impossible. You should never rinse the grains before cooking. Rinsing the grains would remove the starch needed to achieve the classic risotto consistency. Since you are making a risotto and not a pilaf, you must frequently, almost constantly, stirr the dish as it is cooking.
Dish/Method Variations
One variation for consommés is coloring. Depending on the stock used, the color of the consommé will vary. Beef and game consommés will be dark in color while poultry consommés are usually a golden to light amber color. Additionally, garnishes can also define a consommé. Different garnishes such as a blanched turnip versus tomatoes will also change the overall presentation, and therefore result, of the consommé.
For risottos, the variation will mainly come from the grain and cooking liquid utilized. Either of these will change the flavor of the risotto but it should never change the texture associated with a proper risotto.
Describe the outcomes of the lab class:
The outcome of our lab class on February 1st, 2023, was our class successfully practiced and produced a recipe beef consomme and risotto.
Describe how well the technique/cooking method worked:
The preparation of our dishes was successful overall. The clarification process of our beef consommé worked well and our soup was crystal clear as described in our textbook. Our risotto was creamy and the rice was al dente.
Describe the sensory results of the dish:
Taste - Overall, since the main ingredient of risotto was the rice or more specifically, the starch in the rice, the dish has a starchy taste. It was not a bad starchy taste which I was pleased with.
Flavor - The flavors of our risotto was delicious and creamy. The addition of mushrooms added an earthy flavor to the dish while the cheese added a more dairy flavor.
Texture - There were two main textures present in the risotto. There was the creamy texture due to the slow cooking process used and a mild crunch texture from the rice.
Appearance - Overall, the appearance of the risotto was pleasant and inviting. The risotto was surprisingly tasty. The dish was a little more yellow than I thought it should be but it did not throw the flavors off.
Evaluation of Results
Explain and discuss the important outcomes:
The important outcome for this week was our class produced a creamy risotto and a clear beef consommé. We were also learned the importance and health benefits of mushrooms.
Discuss the techniques that did work well:
One of the techniques that worked well working in a small group this week was slowly cooking the rice for the risotto and making a proper raft for the beef consommé. The raft allowed us to better clarify our consommé while slowly cooking the rice and adding the broth little by little allowed us to pull the starch out of the rice. This allowed our risotto to thicken based on the starches and not another ingredient.
Discuss the techniques that did not work well:
For my group specifically, adding mushrooms to our risotto did not work well. We also did not season our dish enough with salt. Both scenarios hindered our risotto from tasting as good as it could have.
Discuss the particular improvements and changes:
One thing I would change or improve is becoming more adventurous in adding unfamiliar ingredients. Knowing how to cook mushrooms and when to use them would have made the end result of my risotto better than it was.
During our class this week, we successfully made a beef consommé and a risotto with mushrooms. We learned how to clarify a soup and how to use existing starches in an ingredient to our advantage. Overall, my group's dishes were a success and we even received a thumbs up from Chef Traynor. I am looking forward to what we will learn next week and I cannot wait to try to make a risotto again on my own time.